Купить крупы, бакалея из России

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SKU: 316070
Скидка- 25 %
SKU: 314509
Мука Амарантовая, Eleo, 150г
Мука Амарантовая, Eleo, 150г
SKU: 315362
Крупа Перловая "Голландка", Агроальянс, 500г
SKU: 315352
Мука Ржаная, Кудесница, 400г
Only 2.00 left in stock
SKU: 314508
Мука из Расторопши, Eleo, 150г
SKU: 310178
Каша Амарантовая, Eleo, 200г
SKU: 313415
Крупа Манная, Агро-Альянс, 800г
SKU: 311536
Крупа Манная, Агро-Альянс, 500г
Лидеры продаж

Why Russians traditionally use grains?

Porridge (kasha in Russian) is more than just a breakfast staple in Russia. Kasha has a long history, dating back to the pagan traditions of ancient Russia since porridge and the grains it was made from were gifts from Mother Earth. There were several important traditions and rituals related to porridge and major life events. When a child was born, kasha was cooked with the meat of a rooster for a boy, and a hen for a girl.

When a couple decided to get married, they would cook porridge together to ensure prosperity and plenty in their life together. Before a battle, Russians would cook several cauldrons of porridge to feed all of the troops, and more kasha was cooked after victory and during reconciliation after a battle. A special type of porridge was made for Christmas Eve and for memorial services after death.

So, start to buy natural Russian grains!

Our online store offers a wide variety of unprocessed Grains imported from Russia. Best quality, pure, natural, non GMO, organic.

Russian whole grains for sale:

  • Buckwheat Groats
  • Wheat Groats
  • Millet Groats
  • Barley Groats
  • White Long Grain Rice
  • Semolina Groats
  • Corn Grits
  • Crushed Peas

All these natural russian grains you can purchase at the russianfoodusa.com online store for an affordable price. We always have a wide range of Russian grains for sale, so you can order delivery to just about any place in the USA where you live. The cost will be lower than in an offline shop.

All products are 100% compliant with the manufacturers' specification.

Our store is always a good choice since:

  • All our products are high-quality and fresh
  • The cost is adequate and client-friendly
  • Our delivery partners are reliable
  • We genuinely care about our customers and their needs
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