Valentine's day
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VALENTINE’S DAY IS the day of love.
More than any other day of the year, romantic couples shower their better half with gifts and tokens of appreciation.
Today, most lovebirds exchange gifts like candy, jewelry, flowers, and cards on Valentine’s Day.
The first Valentine's Day card dates to 1415 when the Duke of Orléans sent a card to his wife while he was he was a prisoner in the Tower of London. In the United States, Valentine’s Day cards didn’t gain popularity until the Revolutionary War, when people took up the habit of writing handwritten notes to their sweethearts. It was only in the early 1900s that cards were mass produced for the holiday.
What is accepted to give on this day?
The classic chocolate and flowers are a good start!
Chocolate candies in beautiful holiday packages, cute souvenirs and home decorations, cosmetics and body care products - all this you will find in this category of our online store.
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