Химический состав крупы ядрицы богат и разнообразен, в нём присутствуют: бета-каротин, витамины группы В, А, В1, В2, В5, В6, В9, Е, Н и РР, а также практически все необходимые организму человека минеральные вещества: калий, магний, цинк, селен, медь и марганец, железо, хлор и сера, йод, хром, фтор, молибден, бор и ванадий, олово и титан, кремний, кобальт, никель.
Гречневая крупа (ядрица) содержит много полезного легкоусвояемого белка, способствует кроветворению, полезна при низком уровне гемоглобина крови. Гречку рекомендуется употреблять при болезнях печени и почек, атеросклерозе и склонности к отёкам. Употребление ядрицы повышает сопротивляемость организма различным видам инфекций, снижает уровень «плохого» холестерина.
Гречка разрешена при гастритах и других нарушениях деятельности желудочно-кишечного тракта.
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This is one of the best buckwheat groats. This brand has such excellent quality.
The package arrived quickly. The box was packaged well, double bagged. I have already ordered twice and will buy it again.
Yes, I am American, 63 years of age, but I have family in Russia. I do travel there regularly. It's my 2nd home. Ok enough said on me. I first tried buckwheat while in Russia a few years ago. It's quite tasty, easy to prepare and it's good for you. My family brings me a few items each time she comes and buckwheat is always on the top of my list. Now that I found Russianfood, I have the exact same foods that I love and they are extremely quick on shipping.
Yes, I am American, 63 years of age, but I have family in Russia. I do travel there regularly. It's my 2nd home. Ok enough said on me. I first tried buckwheat while in Russia a few years ago. It's quite tasty, easy to prepare and it's good for you. My family brings me a few items each time she comes and buckwheat is always on the top of my list. Now that I found Russianfood, I have the exact same foods that I love and they are extremely quick on shipping.
Hello friends
Thank you for this excellant Buckwheat. I love buckwheat. I have it everyday. Makes very good breakfast cereal. May I give you my cereal recipe. Recipe: Do Not Cook Buckwheat. Before bedtime, put 2 Tablespoon buckwheat in a bowl. Add 5 to 6 oz. Kefir in bowl. Stir with buckwheat. Put plate or plastic wrap on bowl and leave at room temperture overnight. In the morning it is ready to eat. Very good alone or with honey, jam or fruit. I am sure you will like it. This recipe from Saratov, Russia. Antonina
Thanks for being there for us expats! Grechka otlichnaya :)
This makes wonderful kasha!
Horoshaya grechka po horoshei cene
Отличный продукт, хорошего качества. Ностальгия по России, здесь гречневая каша совсем другая. СПАСИБО что вы есть
Very good taste!