Слабосоленая Сельдь, Schmalz's Haifa, 300-330г
$ 7.99

Артикул: 313814
Слабосоленая Сельдь, Schmalz's Haifa, 300-330г
Бренд: Schmalz`s
Продукт готов к употреблению.
Слабосоленая сельдь — очень полезный продукт.
В ней велико содержание витаминов В12, D и микроэлементов, в том числе натрия и селена.
Сельдь содержит полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты, которые снижают уровень «плохого» холестерина в крови, являются строительным материалом для клеточных мембран.
Идеальна для салатов, бутербродов, различных закусок и как отдельное блюдо
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Mar 6, 2024
Henry Adleman
After trying to purchase the same product through Amazon and not receiving it after several weeks I was pleasantly surprised when my order with Russian Foods was filled and shipped as fast as it was. In addition the efficient cold packaging ensured that the products I purchased arrived fresh. We enjoyed this delicacy which is hard to find.
Dec 24, 2023
Yuliia Thompson
I really like it. Good quality and taste.
Dec 7, 2023
It's good and tastes great, but there's not a hint of production/packaging date, and no expiry as well. Makes a lot of confusion and anxiety.
Jul 31, 2023
Clarissa Varol
Mackerel and Herring
I bought 2 smoked Mackerel and one Herring. The Mackerel was delicious as always. The Matjes Herring was extremely salty and inedible. I had to throw it out
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