Ассорти конфет от фабрик "Roshen" и "Славянка", 1.36 кг
Все богатое разнообразие шоколадных и карамельных конфет от лидирующих кондитерских фабрик России и Украины.
Также покупают
Самые лучшие конфеты в мире. Не можно победить Рошен.
Roshen… one of the best and delicious candy in the world.
I just want to make an order from the factory . Please send me more information about it.
Thanks in advance.
What a great selection of candy! Will order again!
I purchased this candy for my daughter for Christmas. I was not expecting much and thought it would be stale. This was the best candy I have ever had. Of course, I had to taste test it! Wow! Russian candy is so good. Not overly sweet like American candy. Every piece I had was very fresh and oh so tasty . . . and I taste tested many pieces. Thank you for the great service and the superb selection of fresh candies. This was a great collection too. Many different kinds of candy!
Good variety
Happy with it!